Remember school days? Now forget about all that because your kid’s experience at school will be entirely different than yours.
Nowadays some schools have specific requests for their applicants. Let me demonstrate 10 of what I believe are the most ridiculous requests:
1- For starters, you have to apply at the preferred schools as early as you possibly can to secure a place for your child. You would better apply the minute you get pregnant!
2- To jump ahead on the list, you need to ensure that your child went to a phenomenal daycare, just like designer brands! If your kid goes to a Prada or LV nursery, this will increase the possibility of getting into a good school.
“you have to apply at the preferred schools as early as you possibly can to secure a place for your child. You would better apply the minute you get pregnant!”
3- Now, prepare your child for their interview. They have to know lots of colors, numbers and the alphabet in whichever language the school teaches. It’s like they expect the kids to speak like they are related to the Queen of England!
4- Prepare yourself for the school’s appointment debut. As some schools judge the parents solely by what they wear. Of course they will ask you about your qualifications, job…etc. They also might interview both parents.
“It’s like they expect the kids to speak like they are related to the Queen of England!”
5- Schools require: a registration fee, an assessment interview fee and a seat-securing fee, all non-refundable.
6- Most schools now rely on tablets. So schools require that at least one of the parents attend training on how to use the installed academic system.
“uniforms. You should be able to get the number you need, but no, they make you buy a minimum number of uniforms.”
7- Besides tablets, schools request specific stationary brands so that all kids have the same tools.
8- Now the uniforms. You should be able to get the number you need, but no, they make you buy a minimum number of uniforms.
“No longer can your kid show up in a white sheet with two holes for eyes as a ghost for Halloween, or get dressed from head to toe in yellow to be a banana in the school play.”
9-Then come all the costume parties. No longer can your kid show up in a white sheet with two holes for eyes as a ghost for Halloween, or get dressed from head to toe in yellow to be a banana in the school play. Sometimes, you will have to tailor a costume for them.
10-Finally, trips! Back in the day, trips were a day at the zoo or the Pyramids, and posh schools took you to Alexandria or Luxor/Aswan. Now, you have summer camps in Europe.
So to survive all this, what you basically need to do is: pick a good school for your first child, because there is no way you’d have patience and enough money to send them all!
Check out Nadia Zayed’s blog Here