6 Magical Potty Training Tips and Tricks you’ve Never Heard of!



Potty training is a hard time for everyone! It is a time when poop, quite literally sometimes, hits the fan. Here are a few trips to make the process a little more fun and a whole lot easier.

“Make the diaper changing process just as annoying for them as it is for you.”

Frequent Trips to the Toilet

When you feel like your child is ready, start taking them to the toilet every 10 minutes or even 5 minutes if necessary. Then slowly push it to 15 minutes, then 20, and so on. This will be annoying and tiring at the beginning, but totally worth it!

Embrace the Nudist Within

Your child is less likely to pee on themselves if they are naked. So if it is summertime and you’re home, let them run around naked. This way they will remember to use the potty!

White Lies

Sometimes making up a little story about how them pooping in the toilet is beneficial will really help a lot. Tell them that there are little minions living in the ground and feed on poop. If he doesn’t poop into the toilet they will starve and die.

“Potty training is a hard time for everyone! It is a time when poop, quite literally sometimes, hits the fan.”

Befriend the Toilet

Make them comfortable with the toilet before potty training them. A toilet can be quite scary for your tiny little child. You can pretend to be using the toilet and let them learn by watching, and maybe sit on it while brushing their hair or tying their shoes.


Make the diaper changing process just as annoying for them as it is for you. Find a tiny task for them to do while they’re getting their diaper changed. This will be enough to make them want to stop.


This could be your last resort, tell them every time they use the toilet they get a piece of chocolate or candy. You might think you’re a bad parent but they will thank you later!



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