Simple and creative ideas for decorating your home

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  • Create Table Mats by collecting  old cards, pictures of things your child likes, photos of family etc and glue them to an A3 piece of card, then laminate it at any stationary store and use it as a table mat for meal times, it is easy to clean and makes meal time interesting. (They make great gifts for family too).


  • You can make your drawers look more fun by changing the knobs, try using wooden toy animals, plastic flowers, or paint the existing knobs to look like lady bugs, a pig’s or mouse nose. You can also now purchase very creative children furniture knobs at Hanimex or El Arabi.


  • Novelty cushions are a fun way to add color if you rent a home and are unable to make permanent changes to walls, carpet, drapes etc. You can get fabrics in upholstery stores or on local fabric markets.


  • Make or purchase a large pin-board for the wall and use this to display your child’s artwork, certificates or pictures and photographs of things they love. It adds color and personalises the room, and can be changed frequently.


  • Too often we have every thing on a small child’s level, but they do roll around a lot on the floor and are constantly staring at the ceiling when they are trying to get to sleep. Place night glow stars and moons on the ceiling.


  • Make sure you use every available storage space, under the bed have rollaway storage containers for toys or if friends are coming over. Purchase a bed that has a roll away bed under it as it keeps the room open and is a good use of space.


  • Cushions and throw rugs are a quick way of adding detail, texture and colour to a room as well as helping to reduce reflective sound. They make the room more homely and give a feeling of comfort and warmth.


  • Selecting multi-coloured fabrics and/or floor coverings means that your scheme can be altered at a later date without having to change the most expensive items. Re-painting the walls in a different colour selected from the fabric or floor covering provides a quick makeover to the space at little expense. 


  • Using translucent shears while still allowing light into the room can hide unattractive views seen through the windows. The view can then be turned into an attractive feature.


  • Select a frame for artwork that will enhance the work not distract from it, consider where the artwork is to be positioned and select the mount and frame to coordinate with the work and the room.


  • When purchasing new furniture, think long term. It is easier to change the style of your accessories than large items like a sofa. For example, using bright bold upholstery fabric on the sofa may be just what you love now, but next year you probably won’t be able to stand the sight of it – an expensive item to change.


  • If you want to disguise an ugly fixture in a room, e.g. timber cupboards – paint it the same colour as the walls and it will no longer stand out.


  • Lighting your artwork is very important. Installing specialist lighting to enhance the natural beauty of the piece is money well spent. Highlighting the focal point with light creates a wonderful discussion point.


  • Move furniture around from season to season; alter cushions and covers creating different looks.


  • Remember to balance your lighting layout with natural sources of light such as windows or reflective surfaces.








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