Rules to have smooth wedding preparations – The bookings, the drama and the makeup.

As a makeup artist, I’ve been to a LOT of weddings! I’ve met a lot of brides! And I saw some of them enjoying their day and some of them not.

So I came up with a set of rules that will help you not just to survive the day but also to enjoy it more.



Rule #1: Bookings

1 The wedding industry has evolved so much in the last decade. Good wedding suppliers are usually busy. So Bookings are made 5 or 6 months ahead. If you choose to have your wedding on a national day or a special date (for example: 15/5/2015) then you might have to do your bookings 1 year prior to your wedding. This applies to wedding venue, planner, photographer, hair stylist and make-up artist.

2 When you book your photographer, hairdresser and make-up artist, make sure they’re someone you trust and feel comfortable with. It adds up to the comfort and enjoyment of your special day.

3 If you do not want or did not have the chance to have a hair and make-up trial, then make sure you have a picture or a reference for what you want to do. It makes it easier for your hairdresser and make-up artist to visualize how you want to look on your big day.

Now your Big Day is finally here!



Rule #2: Breathe, Relax, Enjoy.

1 When you plan your own preparation time on your wedding day, plan it in a way that makes you comfortable and stress free. Give your hairdresser and make-up artist more time than what they asked for. Yes you’re a bride, but you can’t control the universe. You never know what might happen and leaving time to buffer keeps everyone safe.

2 Always remember, what’s done is done. Remember that you will always have a strong memory of that day. Make it a good one for you and for the people around you. Do not over stress yourself or your mom and friends. If there is something that you want to do or add in the ceremony, or someone that you want to call, give the task to one of your trusted friends or your mom.

3 The Golden Rule: If something went wrong-and it happens all the time- whatever it is do not panic. I repeat, do not panic. If it’s repairable, the people around you will take care of it, if not, then the hell with it.



Now on to my favorite part: Make-Up:

Rule #1: Nothing will ensure you having a good make-up as much as having good skin. If you are suffering from skin problems, pay a visit to your dermatologist months prior to your wedding. Skin problems are not treated over night. So give your skin enough time to heal.

Rule #2: Do not do any kind of facials or use any hair removal technique on your face the night before your wedding or even 2 days before. Yes, even if you’re used to it, know that your skin does not react sensitively with it. Why? Because, at stressful times, your skin reacts differently. Do your facials 4 or 5 days ahead or more if you can. Let your skin rest before the big day.

Always remember, Breathe, Relax and Enjoy.



Diana Richy
Certified Makeup Artist.
To see more of Diana’s work visit Facebook page:

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