Bad Habits that run in every woman’s blood

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 Women are really amazing creatures. We are able to play a multitude of roles in a span of one day, multi-task like there’s no tomorrow, and still manage to look (and smell) great. Yet, we still have a few habits that we can curb. So in the spirit of self-examination here are the top 8 habits women need to change. NOW!

Skinny jeans are great, if you’re skinny but  over-defined curves only scar people’s eyes and do not make you look any thinner.


The Whispering Snigger – Whisper Routine


Unless you’re playing Chinese Whispers, whispering is generally frowned upon by anyone aged 5 or older. Next time you have the urgent need to talk about someone behind their back in their presence, just text it or BBM it.


Driving Skills


Although women’s reputation when it comes to driving is already marred and destroyed beyond repair, you can still try to surprise people by applying borderline acceptable driving etiquette. So perhaps occasionally using side mirrors, using the rear view mirror as a tool to aid in backing up and not merely for adjusting lipstick, and perhaps the occasional turn signal can be a refreshing addition to your driving routine.


Obsessing About Looks


Sizes were created for a reason. Be it cup sizes or backside sizes. Keeping healthy and beautiful both inside (as in personality not your digestive system) and outside is what matters most. Although this might sound like a cheesy line from Oprah; beauty is all about confidence and loving who you are, just as you are.


Inappropriate  Clothing


Fashion fads are wonderful; when they suit you. So, for example, skinny jeans are great, if you’re skinny. Bulges and over-defined curves only scar people’s eyes and do not make you look any thinner. Nothing is wrong with dressing appropriately in relation to the shape of your body. A simple rule we women might like to follow is that if you spend longer than 30 seconds trying to zip it, button it, or make it stay in place, then you two are not meant to be.


Silent Treatments


Men can sometimes drive us crazy, but handling that in a passive aggressive manner only makes things worse. Instead of giving the deadly silent treatment which just confuses men even more, you can sit down and discuss the issues bothering you directly. It can do wonders.


Standing UpFor Yourself


Women are usually the more flexible of both sexes, yet that doesn’t mean that you have to be a door mat. It is not wrong for women to express their needs and desires as clearly as men do and accordingly act as equals in relationships. We’re all for men being the heads of their families, but that doesn’t make women come second when it comes to rights. So if you’re too negative around your partner and find yourself always giving in to their wants and needs with no consideration to your own preferences, so get some guts and start expressing yourself.


Playing Clueless


Some women think that the weaker and more clueless they are, the more they’re attractive to men. Maybe that was true 70 years ago. Women these days are valued for their personality, independence, and intelligence. So if you’re playing dumb to get attention or doing the ‘damsel in distress’ routine, think again. Confident, independent women are sexier. Change your own tire/gas canister/light bulb once in a while, reap the results, and thank me later.



Although women’s reputation when it comes to driving is already marred and destroyed beyond repair, you can still try to surprise people byapplying borderline acceptable driving etiquette







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