10 Famous Sayings of an Egyptian Mom!


We all love our moms, but there seems to be an Egyptian mother lingo that they all know. It’s really strange how every Egyptian mother uses the same phrases; it’s almost like they get a manual once they give birth! Here are 10 sayings that we have all heard from our mothers at some point.


Things moms say1

  1. Ya Tezaker ya Tenam

This is said to the younger children, especially when exam time is approaching. Egyptian moms firmly believe that the only time you shouldn’t be studying is when you’re asleep.

Things moms say3

  1. 7abbak Bors

This phrase comes out when you like something she doesn’t. Let it be a girl, a celebrity or someone else’s cooking.

Things moms say4

  1. 3alallah

When your mom says this, she’s challenging you to do something she doesn’t approve of like traveling or going on a certain outing. This could even be said if she thinks your outfit is inappropriate. Never accept such challenge. Abort mission!

“It’s really strange how every Egyptian mother uses the same phrases; it’s almost like they get a manual once they give birth!”

Things moms say7

  1. Safar w Betsafer, Khoroog w Betokhrog

This is more of a lecture than a common phrase, but it might actually be our fault, we always keep pushing until she reaches a breaking point. You go on a Euro trip, and as soon as you get back, you plan a bunch of outings to see the friends you miss so much, and of course you’re broke so you keep asking her for money. This is when you get this, much deserved, lecture.

Things moms say6

  1. 3alla 2ayami Kan…

When she feels like your life is too easy, it becomes the perfect opportunity for her to reminisce on all the hardships she went through, and how lucky you are that you don’t have to go through the same thing. It might be something as simple as having an elevator.

Things moms say5

  1. 2e2fel el Zeft

We can imagine that some mothers get really bored, so when you are finally home she doesn’t want you on your phone, tablet or even watching TV. They will all be referred to as “Zeft”. It can also be embellished like “Elzeft elly haybawaz 3eneik”, for example.

“To mothers, food is love, so when she tries to feed you and you don’t comply she gets frustrated.”

Things moms say10

  1. Gattek Maw

“mama, mama… mama” all our whining results in this outburst. She will usually reply with this and still not answer your original question.

Things moms say8

  1. El Yakol 3ala Derso Yenfa3 Nafso

To mothers, food is love, so when she tries to feed you and you don’t comply she gets frustrated. And even after she says this, it only takes 15 minutes before she tries to feed you again!

 Things moms say9

  1. Gatak Mashash fi Rokabak

We aren’t really sure what this one means, and we never got the courage to ask, but we do know that it’s not something nice. No one wants mashash in their knees.

 Things moms say2

  1. 2atm Ra2abtak

The most dramatic side of Egyptian mothers, this basically means die – quite the painful death, too. This shows that your mom has reached the very peak of annoyance, and you should leave her sight.


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