Newton’s Laws of (Human) Motion

In everyone’s life, there comes a moment where you have to detach from something, be it beliefs, resentments, fears, places, or memories, and to leave this entrapment in search for new comfort. For a person to change, they must have dealt with something difficult that led to their inability to continue in the same pattern. This is called change. Usually, psychological pressure, as well as their personality type, are the key triggers to how much and how long they will endure this pressure before reacting. In terms of physics, Newton’s law of motion states that “an object continues to do whatever it happens to be doing unless a force is exerted upon it”. In other words, a person will continue living the same way, doing the same repetitive things until they face an external pressure. It is only then that this person has to make a move, react or respond in any way, because if they don’t change while still facing that continuous pressure, they will simply break down.

Newton’s second law states that the alteration of motion is proportional to the applied force, this means that the extent of change will depend on the type of exerted pressure. Pressure is relative, so what you consider tolerable will not necessarily be tolerated by someone else; your trigger for change will always be different than that for another person. Consequently, your reaction to any given pressure is not supposed to be the same as anyone else’s. Strangely, some people give themselves the right to judge another person’s point of tolerance or decide for them how much they could tolerate. This is unacceptable; everyone knows what they can and can’t put up with, how to react, and when to react.

In their original form, Newton’s laws are not adequate to characterize the motion of rigid bodies and deformable bodies. In other words, normal people accept change, while rigid and deformed personalities will not react in the same way, they will simply resist change. Sometimes people refuse any type of alteration to the point where they don’t see how catastrophic a situation is. Sometimes, people hold on to everything old and familiar just to avoid the new and unknown. Sometimes they even hate whomever or whatever is causing this change, forgetting that no matter how structured and planned life is, change is unavoidable.

It takes both courage and awareness for a person to let go of the familiar and embrace the unknown, to make proper adjustments, transform defeat into success and let go of whatever is holding them back and move forward. So you can use your energy to fight change happening to you or the people around you, or you can use it to embrace new opportunities and grow. 

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