Salma Shayeb

Play Time: Age appropriate toys & activities for your child

6-to-9 months: Until now, to your baby, what is not in front of her doesn’t exist, but now, she understands that when out of sight doesn’t mean that they are not there.  Your baby's play now is more active and mobile. Many babies can start crawling sometime in this stage.   Toys: Bouncing Jumper:  These…

Play Time: Age appropriate toys & activities for your child

Today’s market offers a variety of toys that are so wide that you can easily get lost in the toy store.  To help you out distinguish between what is necessary, appropriate, useless, and overly expensive,  every month, we will provide you with a guide for appropriate toys and activities for a certain age group. Within…



Anniversairy CampaignWhat Women Want 16th Anniversary