Coffee Break Energy Boosters

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A healthy diet should include at least six to seven meals a day. Going a long time without eating can lead to reduced levels of blood sugar, called hypoglycemia, and whose symptoms usually involve loss of energy, tiredness, difficulty in concentrating, changes in mood, blurred vision, tremors, sweating, difficulty in articulating speech and movements and even fainting in severe cases.

 Postponing food intake for an extended period of time is associated with a voracious appetite, because our brain tells us that the body is hungry and we should have eaten a long time ago. In these cases, we eat all kinds of food, especially the most industrialized and refined, the sweetest, saltiest and fattiest, and finally, the unhealthy.

 A healthy diet means that it is rational and balanced in terms of quantity, quality and variety.

For healthy snacking avoid the incorrect “snack” always associated with empty caloric food. It should be a light meal, but the best nutritional levels of quality, ensuring that there is a permanent supply of nutrients throughout the day, supplying the needs of our body helping to avoid excesses in main meals.

 The three main sources of energy for the human body are carbohydrates, protein and fat. Carbohydrates in the form of starches and sugars make up a little over half the energy source. The brain needs carbohydrates for energy as it cannot directly utilize fat as a source of energy. On the contrary the muscles use carbohydrates as their primary source of energy, but can shift to fat as a fuel alternative, if the carbohydrates are depleted.

 Having a wide variety of different nutrition items in your diet regimen can greatly affect your energy levels and mental focus.

 Below you will find twenty different options for a snack that can boost your energy:

 1Fruits: Fruit has natural sugars that are a healthy source of energy. They are a rich source of fiber that adds a feeling of fullness, meaning that you will eat less when you ingest them. Apples, kiwi, oranges and bananas are excellent examples.

 2 Yogurt: Yogurt is highly nutritious and provides protein and carbohydrates for energy. It also contains bacteria that are beneficial for intestinal health and aid in the digestion process. There are many types of yogurt ranging from very low fat yogurt to the full cream ones, in addition to the fruit added versions. The lower the fat content, the healthier it is on the long run.

 3 Vegetables: Energy efficiency is partially based on good cell conditions. The antioxidants in vegetables help maintain good cell conditions, as they help get rid of free radicals, which are the chief culprit in a lot of diseases attacking the human organism. Free radicals are molecules that can damage cells, and accelerate their aging process. Carrots, broccoli, celery and cucumbers are good examples of vegetables that contain anti-oxidants.

 4 Nuts: Nuts such as almonds, pistachios and cashews can give you a boost of energy. Nuts are high in all three forms (carbohydrate, vegetable protein and healthy unsaturated fat) of macronutrient sources. They also have antibiotic properties that help the immune system, but must be indulged in moderation, as they are rich in calories.

 5 Pumpkin Seeds: Seeds have antibiotic properties. Pumpkin seeds are no exception. Like nuts, they have high levels of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

 6 Cereal: Cereal contains grains which in turn have high levels of mainly complex carbohydrates including fiber good for intestinal health and digestion. Milk with cereal adds additional benefits such as vitamins, minerals and nutrients. There are many different types of cereal and looking at the nutritional facts on the box will help decide which will best work for you and minimizing adding unwanted inches to your curves.

7Energy Bars: There are plenty of commercial energy bars on the market that help boost energy. They are both convenient and practical for daily use. Choose your favorite flavor and type from the many that are available for sale, and fit from their caloric value and composition into your daily nutrition regimen.

 8 Crackers with peanut butter: Crackers with a peanut butter spread are relatively high in energy. Peanut butter comes from peanuts which in turn are legumes related to beans. It must be mentioned here, that most of the energy in peanut butter comes from healthy unsaturated fats and proteins.

 9 Bagel: Bagels, made from flour and yeast give you a boost of energy especially if a spread such as peanut butter or fruit topping is added. Since they are made from flour, they contain high levels of carbohydrates.

 10 Rice cakes: Rice cakes are made from a special mixture of different types of rice and sometimes puffed wheat. The rice mixture would have high levels of carbohydrates and protein, making rice cakes a good choice of snack for an energy boost. There are many different varieties to choose from.

11 Soup: There are many different types of soup including basic soups such as chicken noodle soups and vegetable soups. The amount of energy in soup varies as the ingredients vary but soups that have a good balance of meat (protein source) and vegetables (carbohydrates) are best for energy snacks.

12 Cheese: Cottage cheese and fruit is a balanced snack that never gets boring. You can try different fresh or dried fruit, add a sprinkling of flax, top it off with granola, or give it a healthy crunch with your favorite seeds and nuts. The combination of protein and carbohydrates will give you a sustained boost of energy to carry you through the day. The milk content of cottage cheese provides protein and added vitamins and minerals needed for health.

13 Trail mix: Trail mix is a mix of nuts and dried fruits. Dried fruits contain most of the benefits of fruit and they’re portable. As a matter of fact, Trail mix has long been a popular healthy snack for hikers and with good reason. The protein and fat in the nuts and the carbohydrates in the fruit provide the sustained energy boost to trek long mountain miles. A handful of nuts and dried fruit can keep you alive and energized while you’re trekking through your day of activities, too.

14 Egg sandwich: Eggs have protein and the bread used has high levels of carbohydrates. Again, wholegrain is the best source of bread here. Four egg whites combined with a complete egg minimize the amount of cholesterol ingested and maximize protein content.

15 Oatmeal: Oatmeal comes from processing oats which are a type of grains. Grains have high levels of carbohydrates thus provide lots of energy.

16 Tomato sandwich: The tomato sandwich is an ideal energy boosting snack. A vegetable combined with bread is a good source of carbohydrates. Adding lettuce adds fiber and taste.

17 Tomato juice or other mixed tomato drink: Tomato juice provides nutrients, minerals and other energy boosting ingredients. A mixed tomato drink, mixed with other vegetables and fruit that may include but not limited to carrots, pineapple and celery. This is the best option, when you are going out and want to avoid any of the unhealthy fizzy carbonated beverages or want to drink something else than water.

18 Salad: A salad has fiber (a carbohydrate used for intestinal health) and has a wide variety of tastes depending on what is added. The more colors present in one plate, the more vitamins and nutrients you ingest.

19 Homemade or store-bought hummus paired with a handful of veggie sticks is a nutritious nosh that is high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.  Not a fan of chickpeas? Make a kidney bean or black bean dip instead.

20 A turbo-charged energy drink may rocket your energy on the spot, but you’re likely to crash and burn before the morning or afternoon is over. A better, long-lasting choice is a low-glycemic sports drink that contains some protein (many sports drinks are pure carbohydrate and sugar). Read the labels and be sure to check serving sizes so you’re not gulping half your day’s calories in a single shot!


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