Ola M. Gomaa

What Egyptian Men Really Want!

Women have been the subject of debate since eternity, men claiming they would do anything to reveal the secrets which lie within the intricacies of our delicate brains, sometimes reaching the conclusion that we are absolutely innocent and harmless other times that we are totally vicious and cunning – apart from being the source of…

Raising a Responsible Child: Fact or Fiction?

For some, getting married and having kids is the last and ultimate attainment, but actually it’s the beginning of a different set of achievements. Once you have kids, you have to raise them properly, you don’t just support them financially and provide food and clothes, but you need to look closer and monitor their actions…

Marriage…Take Two… Action!

Honestly, finding a happy couple has become a rare commodity these days, we mostly hear about break ups and divorces. It is so depressing how many couples resort to splitting up rather than fighting to keep their families intact, but its unavoidable at times. Some people are blessed with a happy marriage, some are not!…

The Quest for Love…

God created women with so much love inside that it has no limit. Women love their kids and their husbands and their friends. They have enough love and strength for everyone. God created women to complete men, to be the kind heart and the tender support. He made specific roles for each, and told us…

Small packages, Great joy

The common perception of parenthood is that parents spend their lives teaching their kids about right and wrong, the meaning of life, having a goal or being happy and successful. Well, ironically, it’s the other way around sometimes. Those little bundles of joy provoke tremendous changes in some parents that one day you find that…

Let Go!

So, life is not like what we expected, it’s not really going according to plan, we are experiencing let downs at one point or another; it’s either the dream life that we thought we were supposed to live, the career ladder that we were supposed to climb, the time frame that we set for each…

Forever Young

  God created each one of us with different features, a special and unique face, some are blessed with beautiful eyes, others with perk up noses, some have fair skin, and others have a cute dimple, these features make us distinct. We could look at a face and tell if they are happy, sad, confused,…

Are we really that hard to please?

While I grew up, I was intrigued by how philosophers, writers and poets described women as creatures of mystery, how they saw a woman's brain so complicated and her needs unattainable. I remember thinking back then that we must be very hard to handle.   But as I grew up, I thought they must be…

10 things we hate about Egypt!

Here are some of the habits which bug us:   Driving The number one nightmare for every living soul at all times is driving through the streets in Egypt. We are a distinctive specimen of how all sorts of cars, buses, minibuses collide together in a chaotic uniqueness and rare entanglement. Everyday is like a…

Kids: The Forgotten Casualties of Divorce

Although it is not easy to decide to marry someone and spend the rest of your life with that person, the decision to end a marriage is beyond words. It is one of life’s tough decisions which has to be made for those who experience shattered relationships. This particular decision is made after spending what seems…

Are you schizophrenic? Please raise your hand!

The word schizophrenia scientifically refers to a "split personality" which could arise from genetic, neural, psychological reasons or due to certain drugs. There are also social reasons; it is believed that living in urban environments has been always found a risk factor for schizophrenia. One of the famous split personalities we all know are "Dr.…

The Egyptian Super Mom

Years ago, mothers were just mothers. They sat at home doing needle work, spending their mornings with their friends, sipping Turkish coffee and socializing. They had the afternoons to take care of their families. While, men were responsible for bringing supper to the table and women had time to listen to their kids, take care…

Wishing for the impossible

Thanks to the cartoon industry and American Sci-Fi movies, several generations were brought up with the concept of wanting what is extraordinary and unbelievable over regular human abilities. Stories about super natural heroes are not only limited to cartoon figures or American movies, there are many Egyptian folkloric stories about people who had super natural…

Working with your Spouse Till Death Do Us Part?

During the lovey dovey period of friendship, courtship and engagement, couples long for togetherness every minute of every day, but what happens when they are really together every minute of every day, when they are literally inseparable at home and at work? It’s not a strange matter to find small business run by couples, farmers…



Anniversairy CampaignWhat Women Want 16th Anniversary